PDF renditions of the PowerPoint presentations can be viewed and downloaded from this page by clicking the specific point on the program. The program itself can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.
Program details of the EBF 9th YSS
Thursday 11 May 2023 | |||||
08:00 | Registration desk opens | ||||
08:45 | 09:00 | Welcome and introduction to the 9th YSS | |||
Philip Timmerman, EBF | |||||
09:00 | 10:00 | Session 1: Can Automation Deliver on Promise? | 09:00 | 10:00 | Session 2: Can we do Less and Achieve More? |
Session chairs: Lisa Wolter and Amelia Roberts | Session chairs: Lisa Seavers and Liesl Heughebaert | ||||
09:00 | 09:20 | Rosie Penford, GSK | 09:00 | 09:20 | Tammy Speelman, Synexa Life Sciences |
The Evolution of Automation for Ligand Binding Assays | Correlation of screening and titre results to reduce analysis costs and increase delivery of patient immunogenicity data | ||||
09:20 | 09:40 | Paul Heads, Orion Corporation | 09:20 | 09:40 | Leroy Schreuder, ICON plc |
Does automating a bioanalytical laboratory have to cost excessive amounts of time and money? | Singlicate analysis applied to pharmacokinetic ligand binding assays: an overview of benefits and limitations. | ||||
09:40 | 10:00 | Ewa Cendrowicz, ICON plc | 09:40 | 10:00 | Cathy M. Jacobs, U. Saarbrucken (not released for publication) |
Automated PBMC isolations – gain in time, number of cells and quality of samples | Development of an LC-HRMS-based approach for adherence monitoring of breast cancer medication in four different matrices | ||||
10:00 | 10:30 | Coffee break | |||
10:30 | 11:50 | Session 3: New Tech Entering the BA Toolbox | 10:30 | 11:30 | Session 1 repeat: Can Automation Deliver on Promise? |
Session chairs: Mariana Carnerio Da Cunha and Francesca Minelli | Session chairs: Lisa Wolter and Amelia Roberts | ||||
10:30 | 10:50 | Kyriel M. Pineault, UCB Pharma (not released for publication) | 10:30 | 10:50 | Rosie Penford, GSK |
Qualification of a duplex ddPCR assay to support biodistribution and shedding assessment of a Gene Therapy product | The Evolution of Automation for Ligand Binding Assays | ||||
10:50 | 11:10 | Jakob Alhede, AstraZeneca (not released for publication) | 10:50 | 11:10 | Paul Heads, Orion Corporation |
Challenges in the application of Branched DNA as a bioanalytical tool for the quantification of RNA therapeutics | Does automating a bioanalytical laboratory have to cost excessive amounts of time and money? | ||||
11:10 | 11:30 | Zoe Georgakopoulou, Drug Development Solutions (DDS) | 11:10 | 11:30 | Ewa Cendrowicz, ICON plc |
Streamlining Flow cytometry | Automated PBMC isolations – gain in time, number of cells and quality of samples | ||||
11:30 | 11:50 | Victoria Wingfield, Drug Development Solutions (DDS) | |||
Controlling the Flow | 11:30 | 11:40 | Introduction to the Science Café (by YSS OC member, tbd) | ||
11:50 | 12:00 | Introduction to the Science Café (by YSS OC member, tbd) | |||
12:00 | 13:00 | Lunch – tables grouped to start Science Café discussions | 11:40 | 13:00 | Lunch – tables grouped to start Science Café discussions |
13:00 | 15:30 | 9th Science Cafe (Format: round table) : The Right Balance | 13:00 | 15:30 | 9th Science Cafe (Format: round table) : The Right Balance |
Ever since the 4th YSS, a “Science Café” is part of the YSS program. Also this year, we want to include a SC in which we focus on a specific aspect of (y)our community responsibility. | |||||
After 3 years of struggle with Covid in a changing world, the 9th YSS SC plans to focus on a theme which is an important challenge: finding the right balance, e.g. work-life balance, technology being an opportunity to refocus, regulations being a challenge or a partner. In short, identifying a SWOT to manage pressure and helping the next generation to grow in responsibility and aspirations. A survey was sent as a stepstone for our discussions. | |||||
15:30 | 16:00 | Coffee break | 15:30 | 16:00 | Coffee break |
16:00 | 17:40 | Session 4: Troubleshooting LCMS | 16:00 | 17:40 | Session 5: Troubleshooting LBA |
Session chairs: Manca Spendal and Harriet Thomas | Session chairs: Eva Hanckmann and Elien van Nuffel | ||||
16:00 | 16:20 | Katie Webb, Labcorp Drug Development | 16:00 | 16:20 | Hannah Vernon-Browne, Drug Development Solutions (DDS) |
The unwanted guest in your chromatography separation | Bridging immunoassay kits in the biomarker field: Two Case Studies | ||||
16:20 | 16:40 | Isabel Stiltz, Nuvisan | 16:20 | 16:40 | Francesca Minelli, Merck KGaA |
Combined LC-MS/MS method for a highly instable small molecule and its two metabolites – complication and troubleshooting | Soluble target quantification: challenges in method development | ||||
16:40 | 17:00 | Sophie Roos, Byondis | 16:40 | 17:00 | Fabian Gärtner, Nuvisan |
Challenges in the development of an LC-MS method for quantitation of sMET in human plasma | Avoid the Hook Effect in homogenous MSD assays (Don’t get hooked on homogenous assays) | ||||
17:00 | 17:20 | Xavier Nuno Martinez Galanes, NovoNordisk (not released for publication) | 17:00 | 17:20 | Sanam Ahmad, GSK |
Matrix effect of endogenous lipids in LC-MS/MS analysis of insulin analogues – Part 1: The risk and strategies to reduce their impact. | Troubleshooting analyte carryover on the Gyrolab Platform | ||||
17:20 | 17:40 | Daniel Alejandro Diaz Checa, NovoNordisk (not released for publication) | 17:20 | 17:40 | Ian de Bus, Sanquin Diagnostic Services (not released for publication) |
Matrix effect of endogenous lipids in LC-MS/MS analysis of insulin analogues – Part 2: Development of fully automated sample preparation methods for an improved sensitivity and reduced matrix suppression | Haemostatic biomarkers; how to correctly analyse them in a quantitative manner? | ||||
19:30 | 22:00 | 9th EBF YSS Conference dinner (included in registration) | |||
Friday 12 May 2023 | |||||
09:00 | 09:15 | Feedback from the Science Café (by YSS OC member, tbd) | 09:00 | 09:15 | Feedback from the Science Café (by YSS OC member, tbd) |
09:15 | 10:10 | Session 2 repeat: Can we do Less and Achieve More? | 09:15 | 10:10 | Session 3 repeat: New Tech Entering the BA Toolbox |
Session chairs: Lisa Seavers and Liesl Heughebaert | Session chairs: Mariana Carnerio Da Cunha and Francesca Minelli | ||||
09:15 | 09:35 | Tammy Speelman, Synexa Life Sciences | 09:15 | 09:35 | Kyriel M. Pineault, UCB Pharma(not released for publication) |
Correlation of screening and titre results to reduce analysis costs and increase delivery of patient immunogenicity data | Qualification of a duplex ddPCR assay to support biodistribution and shedding assessment of a Gene Therapy product | ||||
09:35 | 09:55 | Leroy Schreuder, ICON plc | 09:35 | 09:55 | Jakob Alhede, AstraZeneca (not released for publication) |
Singlicate analysis applied to pharmacokinetic ligand binding assays: an overview of benefits and limitations. | Challenges in the application of Branched DNA as a bioanalytical tool for the quantification of RNA therapeutics | ||||
09:55 | 10:10 | Cathy M. Jacobs, U. Saarbrucken (not released for publication) | 09:55 | 10:10 | Zoe Georgakopoulou, Drug Development Solutions (DDS) |
Development of an LC-HRMS-based approach for adherence monitoring of breast cancer medication in four different matrices | Streamlining Flow cytometry | ||||
10:10 | 10:30 | Victoria Wingfield, Drug Development Solutions (DDS) | |||
Controlling the Flow | |||||
10:10 | 10:40 | Poster Pitches – part 1 extend into poster viewing | 10:30 | 11:00 | Poster Pitches – part 2 extend into poster viewing |
10:40 | 11:30 | Discussions @ posters during coffee break | 11:00 | 11:30 | Discussions @ posters during coffee break |
11:30 | 12:30 | Session 6: Getting More out of our Toolbox A | 11:30 | 12:50 | Session 7: Getting More out of our Toolbox B |
Session chairs: James Beecroft and Dean Hogan | Session chairs: Brian Dan and Claire Szuster | ||||
11:30 | 11:50 | Lisa Seavers ,Labcorp Drug Development | 11:30 | 11:50 | Fiona Flett, Charles River Laboratories |
An alternative approach to the classic anti-drug antibody (ADA) titer assay used in a clinical trial | Glycobiology Growth in the Bioanalytical space: The Development of an LC-MS Assay for Quantitation of Glycosaminoglycans | ||||
11:50 | 12:10 | Syed Raza ul Haq, AstraZeneca (not presented) | 11:50 | 12:10 | Marie Reille-Seroussi, Sanofi |
Development of Ligand Binding Assay for PK measurement of mouse surrogates of human therapeutic antibodies in mouse plasma and tissues. | Quantification of next generation biotherapeutics: Recent case studies for which LC-MS showed clear advantages over LBA. | ||||
12:10 | 12:30 | Sabrina Zadic, Swiss BioQuant | 12:10 | 12:30 | Patrick Schreier, Abbvie (not released for publication) |
How to adapt and ADA method to a vaccine efficacy study | Determination of soluble RGMa in human Serum and CSF using LC-MS/MS | ||||
12:30 | 12:50 | Grigori Singovski, F. Hoffmann – La Roche | |||
Reconciliation: the unsuspected challenge for clinical trials | |||||
12:30 | 13:20 | Lunch break | 12:50 | 13:40 | Lunch break |
13:20 | 14:40 | Session 8: Being Tolerant… | |||
Session chairs: Bodrul Noor and Sabrina Zadic | |||||
13:20 | 13:40 | Kenzie Granger, Labcorp Drug Development | 13:40 | 14:40 | Session 9: Optimising New Tools in Support of Patient Comfort |
Evaluation of multiple ADA assay formats for achieving drug tolerance | Session chairs: Lorenzo Marincich and Cathy Jacobs | ||||
13:40 | 14:00 | Lisanne Dijk, Sanquin Diagnostic Services | 13:40 | 14:00 | Laura Boffel, U Ghent |
Development of a novel drug-tolerant ADA assay: the acid-dissociation lanthanide-fluorescence immunoassay (ALFIA) whole human blood and the MesoScale Discovery (MSD) and Gyrolab platforms. | In-depth evaluation of automated non-contact reflectance-based hematocrit prediction of dried blood spots | ||||
14:00 | 14:20 | Jayshree Maher, AstraZeneca | 14:00 | 14:20 | Liesl Heughebaert, U Ghent |
The technical challenges of developing target tolerant immunogencity assays | Application of non-contact hematocrit prediction technologies to overcome hematocrit effects on immunosuppressant quantification from DBS | ||||
14:20 | 14:40 | Giorgia Rota, Novartis (not released for publication) | 14:20 | 14:40 | Hanna De Baets, U Ghent (not released for publication) |
The Challenges of developing functional cell-based neutralizing antibody assays | Capillary application of (volumetric) dried blood spot assays for tacrolimus and creatinine determination in stem cell transplant patients: preliminary results. | ||||
14:40 | 15:10 | Poster Pitches – part 1 (repeat) extend into poster viewing | 14:40 | 15:10 | Poster Pitches – part 2 (repeat) extend into poster viewing |
15:10 | 15:30 | Discussions @ posters during coffee break | 15:10 | 15:30 | Discussions @ posters during coffee break |
15:30 | 16:30 | Session 10: When Using Multiple Assays A | 15:30 | 16:30 | Session 11: When Using Multiple Assays B |
Session chairs: Joury van’t Klooster and James Beecroft | Session chairs: Juel Maalouli Schaar and Kyriel Pineault | ||||
15:30 | 15:50 | Aleksandra Seydel, Novartis AG | 15:30 | 15:50 | Brian Dan, F. Hoffmann – La Roche |
Transfer of in-licensed BA Assays for Large Molecule: an uphill Climb to Success | Outsourcing of Small molecule LC-MS bioanalytical methods: when the assay has to be adapted | ||||
15:50 | 16:10 | Nicholas Butler, F-star Therapeutics | 15:50 | 16:10 | Claire Szuster – DDS |
A direct assay comparison between the V-PLEX and S-PLEX proinflammatory panel 1 – Does improved sensitivity equal improved assay? | Challenges and considerations for an LC-MS method transfer: Case Study |
16:10 | 16:30 | Katja Zeiser, Nuvisan (not released for publication) | 16:10 | 16:30 | Panel discussion: method transfer and cross validation |
The somewhat different clinical study: from first thoughts to the final assay setup | |||||
(Closing remarks in MAGRITTE, we will likely be < 100 again) | |||||
16:30 | 16:45 | Closing Remarks and Announcement 2023 YSS Best Poster Winner | |||
16:45 | Adjourn | ||||
Meeting Organisation: Eva Hanckmann, Byondis; Liesl Heughebaert, Ghent University; Elien Van Nuffel, Sanofi; Cathy Jacobs, Saarland University; Kate Groves, UCB Pharma (until 15JAN2023), Kyriel Pineault, UCB Pharma (From 16JAN2023); Lisa Wolter, Abbvie; Paul Heads, Orion Corporation; Sabrina Zadic, Swiss Bioquant; Katja Zeiser, Nuvisan; Claire Szuster, DDS; Manca Spendal, NovoNordisk; Amelia Roberts, Quotient Sciences; Harriet Thomas, GSK; Bodrul Noor, AstraZeneca; Mariana Carneiro Da Cunha, Intertek; Joury van ‘t Klooster, ICON plc ; Marie Reille-Seroussi, Sanofi; Francesca Minelli, Merck KGaA; Brian Dan, F. Hoffmann La Roche; James Beecroft, F. Hoffmann La Roche; Lisa Seavers, Labcorp Drug Development; Juel Maalouli Schaar, Saarland University; Giusy Tespio, Unibo (until 31JAN2023); Lorenzo Marincich, Unibo (From 01FEB2023) and Dean Hogan, Charles River Laboratories. |
Meeting management: Philip Timmerman (EBF) |
Patrons of the 9th YSS: https://meetings.e-b-f.eu/yss/
The symposium is organised as a non-profit event by the EBF vzw. The organisation of the conference is independent of all EBF member companies.