Day 1 – Wednesday 19 NOV 2014
08.30-08.40 |
Welcome Philip Timmerman, on behalf of the EBF |
08.40-10.20 |
Large molecules – LBA or LC-MS? Why and when |
Roland Staack (Hoffmann-La Roche) |
Protein Quantification by LBA or LC-MS: Key Criteria for the Definition of the |
Bioanalytical Strategy |
Barry van der Strate & Nico van de Merbel (PRA Health Sciences) |
Can 1+1 be 3? The combination of LBA and LC-MS to look beyond the horizon of |
large molecule quantification |
Rand Jenkins (PPD, Inc.) |
Immunogenicity assessments, an important aspect of biotherapeutic drug |
development: Can LC-MS technology be applied to complement traditional |
LBA-based approaches? |
Ronald de Vries (Janssen R&D) |
Combined use LBA + LC-MS/MS in drug development of a 4kDa peptide: |
1+1=3 or where complementary data made a difference |
Panel Discussion |
10.20-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.40 |
Large molecules – LBA and LC-MS! How |
Matt Barfield (GlaxoSmithKline, on behalf of EBF TT-43)
How to develop Antibody Drug Conjugates – Recommendations from TT43 and |
survey results |
Charlotte Hagman (Novartis) |
Characterization of Antibody-Drug Conjugates using Affinity Enrichment |
and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry |
Fabio Garofolo (Algorithme Pharma Inc) |
Recent Trends in Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) Bioanalysis: Total |
Antibody Quantification by HRMS |
Ravindra Chaudhari (Thermo Fisher Scientific) |
Highly Sensitive and Robust Workflow for Therapeutic Monoclonal |
Antibody Analysis from Complex Matrices |
Panel Discussion |
12.40-14.00 |
Lunch break |
14.00-15.20 |
Looking Beyond the Horizon |
Philip Timmerman (Janssen R&D) |
Making the impossible possible |
We are the future |
Zsofia Berke (AstraZeneca) |
Analytical Comparison Between Point-of-Care Uric Acid Testing Meters |
Daniela Stoellner (Novartis, on behalf of EBF TT-20) |
How the bioanalytical scientist plays a key role in interdisciplinary project |
teams in the development of biotherapeutics – a reflection of the |
European Bioanalysis Forum |
15.20-16.00 |
Tea break |
16.00-17.45 |
Scientific or Regulated Validation? AKA Tiered Approach |
Philip Timmerman (Janssen R&D, on behalf of EBF) |
EBF proposals on balancing Scientific vs. Regulated Validation |
David Jones (MHRA) |
An EU Regulator�s viewpoint as why Regulatory Guidelines should not be |
followed |
Hans Stieltjes (Janssen R&D) |
Tiered Approach for Bioanalysis of Drugs and their Metabolites: Examples |
of the Use of Qualified Assays at Janssen R&D during the past decade |
Graeme Smith (Harlan / Huntington Life Sciences) |
A Tiered Approach to Bioanalysis: From Concept to Practice |
Panel discussion |
18.00-19.00 |
Cocktail reception |
11.00-12.40 |
Spotlight on e-Data: towards a common standard |
Introduction to the workshop |
Workshop chairs (Hans Mulder (Astellas) /David Van Bedaf (Janssen R&D)) |
Jim Brennan (LabWare) |
A perspective on paperless operations in a modern bioanalytical laboratory |
Gerhard Noelken (Allotrope) |
Allotrope: An open ecosystem for seamless data management and exchange for |
Bioanalysis |
Peter Esch (Novartis) |
Electronic Raw Data in a GLP Environment – Swiss AGIT Working Group |
Guidelines |
Panel discussion – workshop |
Gaps and practical steps towards a common e-standard for bioanalysis |
Day 2 – Thursday 20 NOV 2014
08.30-10.10 |
LC-MS Applications for Large Molecules |
Kevin Bateman (MSD) |
Application of LC-MS for characterization and bioanalysis of therapeutic |
antibodies |
Ludovicus Staelens (UCB Pharma) |
Internal standard approaches in quantification of proteins by LC-MS/MS |
Richard Kay (LGC) |
Supercharging reagents – revving up peptide LC-MS analyses. |
Vincent Trinh (inVentiv Health Clinical) |
Insulin Glargine: From the Immunoassays to the More Specific LC-MS/MS Assay |
Erin Chambers (Waters Corporation) |
Getting More with Less: Improving Sensitivity and Reducing Sample |
Consumption in LC/MS Assays for Endogenous and Injected Glucagon, |
6 insulins, and Teriparatide |
10.10-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.40 |
Diversity of the Bioanalytical Landscape |
Ann Lévesque (inVentiv Health Clinical) |
Determination of Testosterone in Plasma instead of Serum: |
When is it needed? Is it accepted? |
Susan Pang (LGC) |
The development of robust cortisol assays for sports-based applications |
Vincenzo Pucci (Merck) |
Merck global bioanalytical strategy to ensure data quality in the discovery space |
and successful LC-MS/MS methods transfer to preclinical GLP and clinical |
bioanalytical groups |
Jonathan Stauber (ImaBiotech) |
Applications of Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Imaging in drug development |
Mohammed Abrar (Unilabs York Bioanalytical Solutions) |
Vitamin D3 Determination- Automated, Streamlined, Robust and Reliable |
12.40-14.00 |
Lunch break |
14.00-15.40 |
Low, Lower, Lowest |
William van Dongen (TNO Triskelion) |
Nano-UPLC and Chip-based LC-MS methods for the sensitive determination of |
therapeutic monoclonal antibodies in serum |
Mark Wrona (Waters Corporation) |
Integration of microfluidics with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) |
for DMPK Studies |
Tom Verhaeghe (Janssen R&D) |
LC-MS/MS as an enabler for a broader application of microdose studies in drug |
development; the Janssen experience |
Adrian Pereira (GlaxoSmithKline) |
Validation of a clinical assay with LLoQ of 350 fg/mL by Liquid Chromatography |
+ Accelerator Mass Spectrometry in support of dermal dosing |
Stephen English (Xceleron) |
Tiered validation of LC+AMS Assays: Recommendations for best practices |
15.40-16.15 |
Tea break |
16.15-17.55 |
Bioanalytical Assay Robustness |
Steve White (GlaxoSmithKline) |
Measuring assay robustness across the life cycle of a bioanalyical method |
Amanda Wilson (AstraZeneca, on behalf of EBF TT-41) |
EBF Topic Team-41; Processed Sample Reproducibility and Stability |
David Bakes (Harlan / Huntington Life Sciences) |
An industry consensus towards baseline assignment – where do we draw the line? |
Luc Bouchard (inVentiv Health Clinical) |
Importance of End-to-End Robustness when dealing with Glucuronide |
Metabolites |
Susanne Pihl (Lundbeck, on behalf of EBF TT-47) |
EBF recommendation on practical management of critical reagents for |
ligand-binding assays |
18.00-19.00 |
Cocktail reception |
08.30-10.10 |
Day to Day Challenges and Automation in Bioanalysis |
Raymond Farmen (Celerion) |
Integrating automated systems for regulated bioanalysis |
Christophe Zickler (Novartis) |
Automated bioanalysis of PK, PD and immunogenicity in a GLP/GCLP |
regulated environment |
Craig Stovold (LGC) |
Assessing Carryover in the Immunoassay Laboratory |
Matt Bentley (Eurofins Pharma Bioanalysis Services) |
Practical solutions to the optimisation of drug tolerance in ADA method Development |
Gert Hendriks (PRA Health Sciences) |
Matrix effects in lipemic plasma: practical solutions to additional issues in |
bioanalytical method development and validation |
10.10-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.40 |
Immunoassays for Biomarkers |
Dominique Gouty (BioAgilytix) |
Selecting the right strategy for Biomarkers |
Karen Elsby (AstraZeneca) |
The MULTIple trials of generating a SINGLE data set: taking biomarker assays |
through the clinical phases |
James Lawrence (Harlan / Huntington Life Sciences) |
Adapting Commercial Immunoassay Kits for Pre-Clinical Biomarkers: |
Challenges and Solutions. |
Jo Goodman (MedImmune) |
The changing face of the immunoassay landscape for soluble target engagement |
biomarkers quantification |
Marianne Scheel Fjording (Novo Nordisk) |
Gold, Silver, Bronze |
12.40-14.00 |
Lunch break |
14.00-15.40 |
New Technologies and Applications in Large Molecule Bioanalysis |
Michael Przybylski (University of Konstanz) |
Online SAW-Biosensor-Mass Spectrometry: Simultaneous Detection, Structure |
Determination and Affinity Quantification of Protein-Ligand Interactions |
Robert Nelson (NovImmune SA) |
Evaluating multiple technology platforms in the development of large molecule |
bioanalytical assays. |
Clare Kingsley (LGC) |
Ultrasensitivity immunoassays |
Nick Pearson (CiToxLAB) |
Quantifying short RNA molecules in a regulatory environment |
Ashleigh Wake (Intertek Life Sciences) |
Alternative Methods to LC-MSMS and Immunochemistry Based Method in |
Bioanalysis |
15.40-16.15 |
Tea break |
16.15-17.55 |
Biosimilars |
Timo Piironen (Syrinx Bioanalytics) |
Challenges and strategies of developing and validating immunogenicity assays |
for biosimilars |
James Munday (Covance) |
The use of PK, PD and ADA bioanalysis for evaluation of the overall |
immunogenicity of biosimilars and the bioanalytical challenges for determining |
if there are equivalent safety risks. |
Ricardo Gutierrez-Gallego (Anapharm Biotech) |
Biosimilarity assessment – impact on safety and efficacy |
Joseph C. Marini (Janssen R&D, on behalf of AAPS LBABFG) |
Recommendations from the AAPS LBABFG Biosimilars Action Program |
Committee on the Development and Validation of PK and ADA assays for |
Biosimilar Drug Development |
Birgitte Buur Rasmussen (Ferring Pharmaceuticals, on behalf of EBF) |
Recommendations from EBF biosimilars evaluation group |
Panel Discussion |
18.00-19.00 |
Cocktail reception |
Day 3 – Friday 21 NOV 2014
08.30-09.00 |
Consult the Doctor |
Martijn Hilhorst (PRA Health Sciences) |
Selectivity issues during the determination of resolvin E1 in human plasma |
Matt Barfield (Glaxo SmithKline) |
Issues with transferring Gyrolab preclinical assays to human |
09.00-10.40 |
“Honey I Shrunk the Sample” |
Maryann Ngeny (AstraZeneca) |
Pushing the Boundaries of Microsampling – Realising and Understanding the |
Full Potential |
Jo Goodman (MedImmune) |
One Mouse, One PK: the Magic of Capillary Microsampling in Combination |
with the Gyrolab TM Assay Platform |
Beena Punnamoottil (Chimera Biotec) |
LBA testing in the fraction of a drop: |
Case studies for ultra-sensitive assays in 1 to 5 microliter sample volume |
Vera Hillewaert (Janssen R&D) |
Assessment of capillary microsampling of blood in a healthy volunteer study |
Zoe Cobb (LGC, on behalf of the EBF Liquid Microsampling Consortium) |
Feedback from EBF Liquid Microsampling Consortium |
10.40-11.15 |
Young Investigator Award |
Introduction |
Presentation by the 2014 Young Investigator Award winner |
11.15-11.55 |
Coffee & Snack break |
11.55-12.55 |
The Regulatory Landscape |
Michaela Golob (on behalf of EBF |
Feedback from AAPS Open Forum |
Akiko Ishii (National Institute of Health Science) |
Japan LBA guideline |
Margarete Brudny-Kloeppel (Bayer Pharma AG, on behalf of EBF) |
Feedback form China Days knowledge exchange meeting |
12.55-13.55 |
Diversity of the Bioanalytical Techniques |
Gérard Hopfgartner (University of Geneva) |
Quantification of endogenous and exogenous metabolites in small samples |
using parallel narrow bore to capillary LC with fast polarity switching MRM |
Jim Settlage (inVentiv Health Clinical) |
Using Supercritical Fluid Chromatography coupled with Tandem Mass |
Spectrometry to Provide Easier Solutions to Old Problems and New Solutions |
to Previously Unsolved Problems |
Johannes Stanta (Covance) |
Comparing time-of-flight mass spectrometry with triple quadrapole mass |
spectrometry for small molecule, peptide and oligonucleotide bioanalysis. |
13.55-14.00 |
Plans for 2015 / Close Out |