European Bioanalysis Forum

Muelle 1, Malaga

EBF Spring Focus Workshop

IVDR: our next Challenge?

For all the slide decks on this website, the presenter/affiliation continues holds the copyright. The EBF was provided approval to upload the slides as PDF on their conference website. For slides presented on behalf of the EBF, the EBF vzw holds the copyright.

The program itself can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.

Program details of the EBF SPring Focus WS 2024

Day 1: Thursday 06 June 2024
09:30 10:00 Welcome coffee
10:00 10:15 Welcome & Why this meeting?
10:00 10:15 Philip Timmerman, EBF (not released for publication)
10:15 12:30 Setting the Scene
10:15 10:30 Matthew Barfield, on behalf of the EBF
Is IVDR impacting drug development beyond the intention of the regulations?
10:30 10:50 Diana Steinbuesch, F. Hoffmann – La Roche
 Impact of IVDR on Patients, Clinical Development and Healthcare costs
10:50 11:15 Lee Monk, UCB-Pharma
 When Pharma incorporates IVDs: a dynamic unification
11:15 11:40 Fabian Iltzsche, Boehringer Ingelheim
 Impact of IVDR on patient enrichment in ongoing trials
11:40 12:00 Robert Nelson, on behalf of the EBF
IDE & LDT vs. IVDR – a next hurdle?
12:00 12:30 Q&A – discussion
12:30 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 14:30 Preparing the two round tables for day 2 and Gauging the audience on experience with IVDR
incl. feedback from pre-meeting survey to delegates Opportunity for the delegates to share experience
14:30 15:30 A bit of technology…
14:30 14:50 Ivonne Bernal, BioAgilytix
Challenges and Learnings from Validation of AAV Neutralising Antibody (NAb) Assays under IVDR
14:50 15:10 Toralf Roch, CheckImmune
Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) as novel technology for pharmacodynamic assessments and CDx?
15:10 15:30 Anne-Laure Bauchet, Sanofi
 IVDR challenges in Pathology/immunohistochemistry
15:30 16:10 Coffee break
16:10 17:10 IVDR impacting the choice of lab you work with
16:10 16:30 Jennifer Russell, A4P Bio
Health Institution Exemption – the easy way out?
16:30 16:50 Cecilie Freja Dalby Kjelgaard, Novo Nordisk
In Vitro Diagnostic assay for genotyping of clinical study participants
16:50 17:10 Claire Seal, invoX Pharma (not released for publication, not presented)
 Impact of the IVDR on Vendor Selection: a Case Studies
17:10 17:15 Day 1 close out
Day 2: Friday 7 June 2024
09:00 10:30 Case studies impacting the lab activities
09:00 09:20 Tracy Iles, Labcorp Drug Development
09:20 09:40 Marco Klinge, BioAgilytix
Roads to IVDR Compliance – Requirements and Strategies Following the In-House Test Approach
09:40 10:00 Kyra A. Gelderman, Sanquin Diagnostic Services
 Complement functional assays to support clinical studies: under IVDR or not?
10:00 10:20 Pratiksha Gulati, F. Hoffmann – La Roche
Impact of IVDR on biomarker assessments in clinical studies – examples from Case studies
10:20 10:30 Getting ready for round table 1
10:30 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 12:30 Round table discussion 1
11:00 12:30 Impact of IVDR on lab activities
Delegates will be grouped into tables of maximum 10 (incl. moderator and note taker). The discussions will be moderated around questions related to the impact of IVDR on lab activities prepared on day 1
12:30 13:30 Lunch
13:30 14:40 Case studies impacting clinical programs
13:30 13:50 Claire Seal, invoX Pharma (not released for publication, not presented)
 Impact of the IVDR on Project Strategy: a Case Studies
13:50 14:10 Jason Simon, Regeneron Pharmaceutical
Contradicting advice from national competent authorities when seeking clarity on use of lab tests in clinical trials; A case study
14:10 14:30 Lien Dejager, Argenx
Sailing through uncharted IVD waters
14:30 14:40 Getting ready for round table 2
14:40 15:10 Coffee break
15:10 16:40 Round table discussion 2
15:10 16:40 IVDR impacting clinical programs
Delegates will be grouped into tables of maximum 10 (incl. moderator and note taker). The discussions will be moderated around questions related to IVDR impacting clinical programs prepared on day 1
16:40 17:00 Summarising the workshop, next steps and adjourn
Organising Committee:
Robert Nelson (BioAgilytix), Lee Monk (UCB Biopharma), Matthew Barfield (F. Hoffmann – La Roche) and Philip Timmerman (EBF)

EBF Focus workshops are organised by the EBF vzw as non-sponsored non-profit events and are independent from EBF member companies.

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