European Bioanalysis Forum

17th EBF Open Symposium



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PDF renditions of the PowerPoint presentations can be viewed and downloaded from this page by clicking the specific point on the program. The program itself can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.

Program @ a glance

Day 1: 20 November 2024
9:1510:30Session 1: Turning up the Heat for the Next Generation (Plenary)deel
11:1012:40Session 2: Focus on PCRdeel
Fahrenheit Workshop 1a: ICH M10 on the radar - CHROM/General
Fahrenheit Workshop 1b: ICH M10 on the radar - IGM/General
14:0015:40Session 3: Singlicate analysis beyond PK deel
Session 4: Into the Cloud
Session 5: OMICS
16:2018:20Session 6: ADA 1-Tier strategy deel
Session 7: Patient Centric Trials (PCT) & DBS technology
Fahrenheit Workshop 2: Singlicate analysis for PK/ADA/BM
Day 2: 21 November 2024
9:0010:40Session 8: ADA 1-Tier - case studiesdeel
Session 9a: Proteins with LC-MS
Celsius Workshop 1: Flow Cytometry in (regulated) Bioanalysis
Celsius Workshop 2: AI
11:2013:00Session 10: BM CoU strategydeel
Session 9b: Proteins with LC-MS (cntd)
Celsius Workshop 3: Biosimilar bioanalysis
Celsius Workshop 4: GCP
13:5014:50Session 11: Immunogenicity from another angledeel
Session 12a: MS from another angle
Session 13: troubleshooting LBA -1: reagents/Matrices
Kelvin Workshop 1: IVDR
15:1016:10Session 14: Flow Cytometry in (regulated) Bioanalysis - case studiesdeel
Session 12b: MS from another angle
Kelvin Workshop 2: ADA - Challenging the current testing paradigm
Kelvin Workshop 3: ICH M12…assay validation of in vitro assays
16:4018:00Session 15: New modalities - Focus on PCR (ends 18:20)deel
Session 16: BM in practice (ends 18:20)
Kelvin Workshop 4: Into the cloud
Kelvin Workshop 5: The Pharma/CRO Interface (parallel session)
Day 3: 22 November 2024
9:0010:00Session 17: IGM - ADA Drug Tolerance / target tolerancedeel
Session 18a: New modalities - Focus on small molecules, peptides and oligos - analytical
10:1011:10Session 19: Troubleshooting LBA -2: PK/ADAdeel
Session 18b: New modalities - Focus on small molecules, peptides and oligo's - analytical (cntd)
11:4012:50Session 20: Regulatory Updates & Future of Bioanalysisdeel
12:5013:00Closing remarks - Adjourn - Auditoriumdeel
Program details (v.10-DEC-2024)
Day 1 - Wednesday 20 NOV 2024
9:009:15Welcome - Philip Timmerman blok
9:1510:30Session 1: Turning up the Heat for the Next Generation (Plenary)blok
Session Chair: Philip Timmerman
In the opening session, we aim to explore the future direction of drug development over the coming decades and how BioA can best position itself for what's ahead. What lies ahead for the industry? Is it within reach, or just a distant illusion? We want to look beyond "New Modalities" or incremental technological advances? And are our systems, tools, regulations and above all, our minds prepared for a transformative shift?
9:159:40Philip Timmerman, EBF (not released for sharing)
Introduction to the 17th OSinsprong
Taking the temperature of Bioanalysis - Challenges for BioA for the next decadeinsprong
9:4010:10Keynote Speaker: Peter Groenen, cerebrumDAO (not released for sharing)
Pills and Thrills: a trip into the future of biopharmaceutical innovationinsprong
10:1010:30Q&A / Comments and reflections from the audience
10:3011:10Coffee break and Poster Discussion/Viewingblok
11:1012:40Session 2: Focus on PCR (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Robert Nelson
11:1011:20Robert Nelson, on behalf of the EBF
Update on progress of the EBF PCR Teaminsprong
11:2011:40Tracy Iles, Labcorp
Considerations and Challenges of Multiplex PCRsinsprong
11:4012:00Lara Duchstein, BioAgilytix
Applying Context of Use to the development and validation of a RT-qPCR assay for detecting gene knock-downinsprong
12:0012:20Foka Venema, Ardena Bioanalysis
Adequate computerized system and assay validation are essential for the development of sensitive, precise and robust qPCR assays in a regulated environmentinsprong
12:2012:40Annick de Vries, Sanquin Diagnostic Services (not released for sharing)
B-cell counts in small volume, remotely sampled capillary blood; a ddPCR approach.insprong
11:1012:40Fahrenheit Workshop 1a: ICH M10 on the radar - CHROM/General (parallel session)blok
Workshop Moderators: Lee Goodwin, Nico van de Merbel, Tom Verhaeghe, Neil Adcock, Robert Wheller and Stuart McDougall
Workshop/round table Hosted by the EBF.insprong
P009 - Intro to the ICH M10 Chrom session - final
P010 - ICH M10 session Chromatography pitches - final
P011 - M10 matrix effects - Rob Wheller - final
P012 - Slides discussed at the CHROM session - final
In this workshop feedback will be given on issues, feedback from HA and ambiguities we have captured within the EBF community related to the interpretation of the ICH M10 Guideline. insprong
Delegates will give feedback on one specific case study after which these can be discussed in round table/panel format - feedback gathered from pre-conference survey to all delegates.insprong
Includes: EBF FB on surrogate matrix, co-med stability, matrix effects and othersinsprong
11:1012:40Fahrenheit Workshop 1b: ICH M10 on the radar - IGM/General (parallel session)blok
Workshop Moderators: Richard Hughes, Mike Wright and Michaela Golob
Workshop/round table Hosted by the EBF.
P013 - ICH M10 session LBA pitches - final
In this workshop feedback will be given on issues, feedback from HA and ambiguities we have captured within the EBF community related to the interpretation of the ICH M10 Guideline. insprong
Different delegates will give feedback on one specific case study after which these can be discussed in round table/panel format - feedback gathered from pre-conference survey to all delegates.insprong
12:4014:00Lunch break and Poster Discussion/Viewingblok
14:0015:40Session 3: Singlicate analysis beyond PK (parallel session) blok
incl. introduction of Fahrenheit Workshop 2: Singlicate analysis PK/ADA/BM
Session Chair: Mike Wright
14:0014:20Gareth Satchell, GSK
Why Can’t We – A Different Mindset for Singlicate Analysisinsprong
14:2014:40Janine Micheli, PPD, a part of ThermoFisher
Exploring Singlicate Analysis: Feasibility, Implementation, and Real-World Applications in Immunoassay Bioanalysisinsprong
14:4015:00James Beecroft, F. Hoffmann-La Roche
 The Transition to Singlicate Biomarker Analysis: Retrospective and Prospective Insightsinsprong
15:0015:20Stephanie Vauleon, F. Hoffmann-La Roche
ADA analysis in duplicates versus singlicates: retrospective data evaluation and impact of singlicate analysis on validation and toxicity study data insprong
15:2015:40Emma Rankka, Mercodia
Evaluating Singlicate vs. Duplicate Testing in Biomarker Assays: Insights from a Case Studyinsprong
14:0015:40Session 4: Into the Cloud (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Cecilia Arfvidsson
14:0014:20Katja Zeiser, on behalf of the EBF
 Regulated bioanalysis into the cloud – this is what you need to considerinsprong
14:2014:40Norbert Bittner, Up to data
Enhancing Bioanalytical Study Oversight: Cloud-Based Collaboration between CROs and Sponsorsinsprong
14:4015:00Federico Pastori, LabWare
Computerized LIMS System Validation in Cloud Deployments with IoT implementationsinsprong
15:0015:20Robert Peverley, Labcorp
 Integrating Electronic Laboratory Workbooks into Regulatory Bioanalysis LC/MS Method Validation: Challenges and Opportunitiesinsprong
15:2015:40Rebecca Sleigh, Resolian
Agile development and Risk-Based validation of bespoke LIMS – Laboratory innovation in a post GAMP 5 Second Edition erainsprong
14:0015:40Session 5: OMICS (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Nico van de Merbel
14:0014:20Amy Bartlett, Waters
Investigating off target pharmacology and metabolism of methapyrilene using metabolomics, lipidomics and MS imaging: A case studyinsprong
14:2014:40Frank Klont, U. Groningen
Metabolomics enables larger-scale and real-world drug metabolism studies insprong
14:4015:00David Bonnel, Aliri FRANCE SAS–-Final.pdf
Integrating Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Spatial Transcriptomics for Clinical Insights into Disease Complexity and Drug Responseinsprong
15:0015:20Jacqueline Wendering, CheckImmune
Advancing Precision Medicine by Multiomic Single-Cell RNA Sequencing for Cellular Insights and Clinical Applicationsinsprong
15:2015:40Panel Discussion - Role of Omics in Bioanalysis/Drug Development
15:4016:20Coffee break and Poster Discussion/Viewingblok
16:2018:00Session 6: ADA 1-Tier strategy (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Kyra Cowan
16:2016:40Kyra Cowan, on behalf of the EBF
Update on current discussions on ADA related themes in the EBF (1-Tier, DT, CoU beyond BM…)insprong
16:4017:00Annelies Coddens, argenx (not released for sharing)
Impact of changing the 3-tiered ADA testing into a 1 or 2 tiered approach on reporting of clinical immunogenicity data. insprong
17:0017:20Lauren Stevenson, Immunologix Laboratories
What's all the noise? How cut points confound clarity of signal.insprong
17:2017:40Chris Jones, AstraZeneca
 A review of the bioanalytical strategy for immunogenicity assessment of cotadutideinsprong
17:4018:00Q&A - Panel discussion
P038 - Kyra Cowan, ADA 1-tier Panel Discussion - final
16:2018:20Session 7: Patient Centric Trials (PCT) & DBS technology (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Steve White
16:2016:40Ruchika Sachdev, Novartis
Re-imagining blood sampling: measuring biomarkers (Neurofilament Light & C-Reactive Protein) at patients’ bedside”insprong
16:4017:00Joleen T White, Bill & Melinda Gates MRI
Bioanalytical Strategies for Therapeutic Antibody Clinical Development in Low and Middle Income Countries insprong
17:0017:20Sofiya Matviykiv, Novartis
Operational aspects for implementing home-based digital assessments in people living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosisinsprong
17:2017:40Neil Spooner, PCSIG
Overcoming the challenges for incorporating patient centric sampling approaches into multicentre clinical trials for pharmaceutical drug developmentinsprong
17:4018:00Kevin Vandenbroucke, Ghent University (not released for sharing)
Tackling the preanalytical instability of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase phenotyping via dried blood microsamplinginsprong
18:0018:20Cristine Steen-Louws, Genmab (not released for sharing)
Principles of 3R in the BioA lab - Application of microsampling in exploratory studiesinsprong
16:2018:00Fahrenheit Workshop 2: Singlicate analysis for PK/ADA/BM (parallel session)blok
Moderators: Mike Wright and Matthew Barfield
Workshop/round table Hosted by the EBF teaminsprong
P045 - Mike Wright - Intro to the Singlicate workshop - final
Scientific discussion & CRO/Pharma partnership discussion
18:0019:00Complementary Cocktail Receptionblok
19:00End of day 1blok
Day 2: 21 November 2024
9:0010:40Session 8: ADA 1-Tier - case studies (parallel session) blok
Session Chair: Kyra Cowan
9:009:20Karien Bloem, Sanquin Diagnostic Services (not released for sharing)
Data from real-life patient cohorts for adalimumab and certolizumab show similar anti-drug antibody (ADA) incidence, whether tested in a 1-tier or 3-tier assay.insprong
9:209:40Laura Creed, Resolian
Evaluating the Tiered Approach in an ADA Gene Therapy Assayinsprong
9:4010:00Marco Klinge, BioAgilytix
Evaluating the utility of the multi-tiered immunogenicity testing paradigminsprong
10:0010:20Ben Leatherdale, ADCT (not presented)
Evaluation of a 1-tier vs 3-tier approach for ADA testing in clinical trial for an ADC where low incidence of immunogenicity is observed.insprong
10:2010:40Hannah Higgins, Labcorp
Are we doing too much? Clinical Case Studies to assess the opportunity for a 1-Tiered Approachinsprong
9:0010:40Session 9a: Proteins with LC-MS (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Nico van de Merbel
9:009:20Nico van de Merbel, on behalf of the EBF–-final.pdf
Update on discussions in the EBF on protein LC-MSinsprong
9:209:40Katrin Schroeter, Sanofi
Bioanalytical Strategy: A requirement for complex protein therapeutic projects insprong
9:4010:00Dominic Warrino, KCAS Bio
Hybrid LC-MS/MS Technology Becoming Increasingly Valuable in the Bioanalysis of Antibody Drug Conjugates – Bioanalytical strategy Illustrated by Case Studiesinsprong
10:0010:20Ashley Phillips, Resolian
Upstream without a PAD-dle: Challenges and their Resolution in the Development of a Hybrid LC-MS Assay for PAD2 and PAD4insprong
10:2010:40Paul Boersema (Byondis)
LBA vs LC-MS: Choosing the Right Tool for Reliable Total Antibody Quantification in ADCsinsprong
9:0010:40Celsius Workshop 1: Flow Cytometry in (regulated) Bioanalysis (parallel session) blok
Workshop Moderator: Anna Laurén and Richard Hughes
Hosted by the EBF Flow Cytometry teaminsprong
Moderated by Anna Laurén, on behalf of the EBFinsprong
P057 - Anna Laurén - Intro to the Flow Cytometry workshop - final
9:0010:40Celsius Workshop 2: AIblok
Workshop Moderators: Matthew Barfield, Katja Zeiser (Nuvisan), Connor Walker (F. Hofffmann-La Roche) and Philip Timmerman
Hosted by the EBF AI-Teaminsprong
P058 - Intro to the AI workshop - Final
9:109:25Connor Walker, F.Hoffmann-La Roche
Bioanalysis 2.0: Navigating the AI frontier.insprong
9:259:40Katja Zeiser, Nuvisan
Nuvisan ChatGPT – artificial intelligence in a (regulated) bioanalytical laboratory of a CROinsprong
Panel discussion / Round table - sharing experiences on where is AI going (or should not be going (yet)) in (regulated) bioanalysis
Discussion will build on an extensive survey which was held in EBF and will serve as the stepstone for the upcoming EBF Spring Focus Workshop in June 2025
10:4011:20Coffee break and Poster Discussion/Viewingblok
11:2013:00Session 10: BM CoU strategy (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Kyra Cowan
11:2011:40Kyra Cowan, on behalf the EBF
EBF's continued involvement in CoU for BM - a little bit of the past, connecting with present, but more importantly…the futureinsprong
11:4012:00Philip De Decker, argenx
The COU challenge: A case study on biomarker assay validation agilityinsprong
12:0012:20Pratiksha Gulati, F. Hoffmann-La Roche
Context of Use Considerations and Technical Challenges in Long-Term Biomarker Assessment in Clinical Trialsinsprong
12:2012:40Debbie McManus, Intertek
Recombinant Biomarkers, are they Fit-for-Purpose for every Context of Use?insprong
12:4013:00Radboud van Trigt, ICON
Tools for practical implementation of biomarker methods in a bioanalytical laboratory insprong
11:2013:00Session 9b: Proteins with LC-MS (cntd) (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Nico van de Merbel
11:2011:40Mathieu Dupré, Sanofi
Development of innovative bioanalytical methods using LC-MS for ultrasensitive quantification of a fusion protein in tissues to support in vivo preclinical studiesinsprong
11:4012:00Joe Palandra, Takeda
Use of Hybrid LC-MS to help mitigate ADA Interference in PK assaysinsprong
12:0012:20Ana Villar Garea, Sanofi
Accelerating the discovery of Fc-based biotherapeutics: simultaneous LC-MS bioanalysis of PK and PD in-vivo markers in preclinical samplesinsprong
12:2012:40Frank Schalk, ICON (not released for sharing)
Simultaneous isotyping and semi-quantitation of anti-drug antibodies to a monoclonal IgG1 biotherapeutic using hybrid LBA-LC-MS/MSinsprong
12:4013:00Emmanuel Njumbe Ediage, J&J IM
LC-MS/MS assay for Pegasys (pegylated interferon alpha 2a) provides indirect insights on anti-drug antibody titer and prevalence in NHP serum samplesinsprong
11:2013:00Celsius Workshop 3: Biosimilar bioanalysis (parallel session)blok
Workshop Moderator: Michaela Golob and Robert Nelson
Hosted by the EBF Biosimilar Teaminsprong
Moderated by Michaela Golob, on behalf of the EBFinsprong
P072 - Michaela Golob, Intro to the Biosimilars workshop - Final
11:2013:00Celsius Workshop 4: GCP (parallel session)blok
Workshop Moderator: Tsvetelina Ivanova and Steve White
Hosted by the EBF GCP Teaminsprong
Moderated by Tsvetelina Ivanova, on behalf of the EBFinsprong
P073 - Tsvetelina Ivanova, Intro to the GCP workshop - Final
13:0013:50Lunch break and Poster Discussion/Viewingblok
13:5014:50Session 11: Immunogenicity from another angle (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Anna Laurén
13:5014:10Liang Zhu, Moderna
Characterization of Immune Response to mRNA-1230 (Influenza, RSV, and SARS-CoV-2) Vaccine Candidate: a Case Studyinsprong
14:1014:30Federico Riccardi Sirtori, Merck KGaA
In-vitro immunogenicity strategy in the development of novel NBEs and ADCsinsprong
14:3014:50Yvonne Katterle, on behalf of ARDAT
Strengths and weaknesses of different ligand binding assay formats for the determination of anti-AAV9 antibodiesinsprong
13:5014:50Session 12a: MS from another angle (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Lee Goodwin
13:5014:10Cathy Lane, SCIEX
Breakthrough workflow for identification of targeted protein degrader (TPD) metabolites insprong
14:1014:30Michael Blackburn, Quotient Sciences
Connecting BioA with speciation to characterise the kinetics of Darinaparsin, a novel arsenical compoundinsprong
14:3014:50Robert Plumb, Waters
Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism and lipid dysregulation of gefitinib and PROTAC – gefitinib-3 in the ratinsprong
13:5014:50Session 13: Troubleshooting LBA -1: reagents/Matricesblok
Session Chair: Richard Hughes
13:5014:10Duco Schriemer, QPS Netherlands
Case studies of free drug assays with their own challenges and assay designs insprong
14:1014:30Elena Vicentini, Aptuit (an Evotec company)
Day to day challenges in the use of validated biomarker assays with commercially available kits, throughout the lifecycle of sample analysis phase.insprong
14:3014:50Alex Mulvanny, Medicines Evaluation Unit
Sputum Supernatant Cytokine Measurements – Assay Validation, Clinical Application and Repeatabilityinsprong
13:5014:50Kelvin Workshop 1: IVDR (parallel session)blok
Workshop Moderator: Matthew Barfield and Robert Nelson
Hosted by the EBF IVDR-Teaminsprong
P083 - Matthew Barfield - Intro to the IVDR workshop - Final
14:5015:10small logistic breakblok
15:1016:10Session 14: Flow Cytometry in (regulated) Bioanalysis - case studies (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Anna Laurén
15:1015:30Teona Roschupkina, Resolian
Stabilizing Flow: Overcoming Logistics Challenge by "Split Processing"insprong
15:3015:50Hanna Widmaier, Nuvisan
How precise is precise enough? Lessons learned from ex-vivo neutrophil activation assayinsprong
15:5016:10Henko Tadema, ICON
Fluorescent barcoding as a tool to increase quality and efficiency in clinical flow cytometryinsprong
15:1016:10Session 12b: MS from another angle (cntd) (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Lee Goodwin
15:1015:30John Perkins, KCAS Bio
Refining Method Development & Validation Testing for Antibody Drug Conjugate Payloadsinsprong
15:3015:50Rob Vreeken, TNO
The application of 14C-labeled substrates for efficacy measurements in drug developmentinsprong
15:5016:10Tomislav Caval, Regeneron (BRSA winner in 2024) (not released for sharing)
Unraveling O-glycosylation patterns with O-glycoproteases and mass spectrometryinsprong
15:1016:10Kelvin Workshop 2: ADA - challenging the current testing paradigm (parallel session)blok
Workshop Moderators: Michaela Golob and Kyra Cowan
Hosted by the EBF IGM communityinsprong
P090 - Kyra Cowan, Intro to the ADA 1-tier workshop - Final
15:1016:10Kelvin Workshop 3: ICH M12…assay validation of in vitro assays (parallel session)blok
Workshop Moderator: Steve White and Philip Timmerman
Hosted by the EBFinsprong
Open round table format to share experience and provide ideas to move forward in support of science driving the new approaches and regulatory thinkinginsprong
P091 - Steve White, Intro to the ICH M12 workshop - Final
Feedback was gathered from pre-conference survey to all delegates.
More details on the workshop dynamics and goals will be shared during the conference or session introductions
16:1016:40Coffee break and Poster Discussion/Viewingblok
16:4018:20Session 15: New modalities - Focus on PCR (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Robert Nelson
16:4017:00Otilia Cheregi, TATAA Biocenter (not released for sharing)
2-Tailed PCR for small RNA analysis in biodistribution and sheddinginsprong
17:0017:20Eric Lachacz, AstraZeneca
Cell Therapy Clinical Bioanalysis: approaches, complexities, and challenges through the lens of CAR-T global clinical studiesinsprong
17:2017:50Panel Discussion - Moderated by Robert Nelson, on behalf of the EBF PCR team, incl. EBF PCR team feedback
P095 - Robert Nelson, EBF PCR Team feedback - final
EBF sub-team leads EBF PCR providing feedback from recent disussions and surveys on Stabilty, Calibration Curve & QCs, Cross- & Partial Validation, Replicate Analysis & Inhibition Testing, Nucleic Acid Extraction.insprong
17:5018:20Panel discussion
16:4018:20Session 16: BM in practice (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Kyra Cowan
16:4017:00Jelena Popov-Čeleketić, Genmab (not released for sharing)
Development and Qualification of Free and Total Soluble Target Assays Tailored to Context of Useinsprong
17:0017:20Alireza Maarouf, Sanofi
Ultrasensitive platforms for IL-13 measurement: Cross-platform comparison for IL-13 quantificationinsprong
17:2017:40Daniel Creed, Resolian
Overcoming the Hurdles of a PAD Enzymatic Endpoint Assay: A Demanding Developmentinsprong
17:4018:00Wibke Lembke (replacing Florian Bernet), Celerion
Singlicate Biomarker Assay: enhancing assay performance by surrogate matrix optimizationinsprong
18:0018:20Sergio Menta, F. Hoffmann-La Roche
Shaping a Biomarker Assay for an Endocannabinoid based on its evolving Context-of-Use in Drug Development.insprong
16:4018:00Kelvin Workshop 4: Into the Cloud - Upscaling of the archivist role (parallel session)blok
Workshop Moderator: the EBF e-environment team
Hosted by the EBF e-environment teaminsprong
16:4017:00Cecilia Arfvidsson, on behalf of the EBF
Upscaling of the archivist role and the archiving activities when transforming into a paperless and cloud based lab – workshop insprong
17:0018:00Continuation of panel/round table discussion
More details on the workshop dynamics and goals will be shared during the conference or session introductions
In the meantime, the EBF team has diligently prepared the workshop.
16:4018:00Kelvin Workshop 5: The Pharma/CRO Interface (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Matthew Barfield and Michaela Golob
Hosted by the EBF
Includes 2 short presentations:
16:4016:55Eginhard Schick, F. Hoffmann-La Roche
Optimizing Bioanalytical Outsourcing via Implementation of a Sponsor Key Performance Indicator System for CROsinsprong
16:5517:10Petya Milusheva, Comac Medical
Bridging the gap: navigating bioanalytical challenges in Pharma-CRO collaborationsinsprong
17:1018:00Workshop discussions planned to include:
Issues in implementing singlicate, BM CoU <> SOP? IP sharing…
More details on the workshop dynamics and goals will be shared during the conference or session introductions
18:0019:00Complementary Cocktail Receptionblok
19:00End of day 2blok
Day 3: 22 November 2024
9:0010:00Session 17: IGM - ADA Drug Tolerance / target tolerance (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Kyra Cowan
P106 - Kyra Cowan, introduction to the ADA Drug Tolerance session - final
9:009:20Lysie Champion, Celerion
The rollercoaster between free drug tolerance and target interference in the development of an antidrug antibody assayinsprong
9:209:40Gregor Jordan, Roche Diagnostics (not released for sharing)
Immunogenicity assessment for antiviral medications: generic mitigation of the impact of the multimeric targetinsprong
9:4010:00Leroy Schreuder, ICON
Improving drug tolerance of non-cell based neutralizing antibody assays with SPEADinsprong
9:0010:00Session 18a: New modalities - Focus on small molecules, peptides and oligos - analytical (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Luca Ferrari
9:009:20Luca Ferrari, on behalf of the EBF
Update from EBF Project #16: Peptides, Oligos, New Modalitiesinsprong
9:209:40Alexandra Bushby, Labcorp
Hybridization LC-MS for Bioanalysis of Oligonucleotides, including case studiesinsprong
9:4010:00Aihua Liu, Resolian
The Challenges and Solutions in Developing Ultra-Sensitive Bioanalytical Assays for Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Using a Hybridization LCMS Platforminsprong
10:0010:10Short logisitc breakblok
10:1011:10Session 19: Troubleshooting LBA -2: PK/ADA (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Richard Hughes
10:1010:30Valeria Castagna, Merck KGaA
Complex troubleshooting of a clinical LBA assayinsprong
10:3010:50Lucie Diouloufet, Sanofi (not released for sharing)
Strategy and development of ADA assays to support several clinical phases using Fab therapeutic targeting Achondroplasia disorders.insprong
10:5011:10Matthias Reichel, BioAgilytix
Fit-for-purpose non-clinical immunogenicity assessment to support PK data interpretation – a case studyinsprong
10:1011:10Session 18b: New modalities - Focus on small molecules, peptides and oligo's - analytical (cntd) (parallel session)blok
Session Chair: Luca Ferrari
10:1010:30Chris Williams, Charles River Laboratories
Oligonucleotide bioanalysis using LC-MS/MSinsprong
10:3010:50Alessandro Greco, Aptuit (an Evotec company)
Is the addition of cryoprotective agents to stabilise the encapsulated liposome sufficient for the quantification of the unencapsulated compound?insprong
10:5011:10Davindera Sanghera, Moderna
Expanding the Horizon of mRNA Technology: From Vaccines to Therapeutics and Bioanalytical Innovationsinsprong
11:1011:40Coffee breakblok
11:4012:50Session 20: Regulatory Updates & Future of Bioanalysis (plenary session) - for details, go to page 19blok
11:4012:00Fabian Gärtner - on behalf of the EBF-YSS community
Future of BioA - a YSS perspectiveinsprong
12:0012:50Moderated panel discussions, including a few 3-minute pitches
Prepared questions from the EBF community on ICH M10 chapters 1,2, 5, 6, 7 (ex. 7.1) and 8insprong
Prepared questions from the pre-conf. survey on ICH M10 chapters 1,2, 5, 6, 7 (ex. 7.1) and 8insprong
P120 - Slides discussed @ the GENERAL session
Time allowing - Open questions from the audienceinsprong
12:5013:00Closing remarks - Adjournblok
Organising committee – the EBF Steering Committee:
Robert Nelson, BioAgilytix; Steve White, GSK; Kyra Cowan, Merck KGaA; Michaela Golob, Nuvisan; Matthew Barfield, F. Hoffmann- La Roche and Philip Timmerman, EBF
Scientific committee – the EBF Project Governance Team: 
Luca Ferrari, F. Hoffmann- La Roche; Richard Hughes, Resolian; Stuart McDougall, Quotient Sciences; Robert Nelson, BioAgilytix; Anna Laurén, MinervaX; Tsvetelina Ivanova, Comac-Medical; Tom Verhaeghe, J&J IM; Lee Goodwin, Labcorp Drug Development; Steve White, GSK; Neil Adcock, Pharmaron-UK, Kyra Cowan, Merck KGaA; Cecilia Arfvidsson, AstraZeneca; Mike Wright, GSK; Michaela Golob, Nuvisan; Matthew Barfield, F. Hoffmann- La Roche, Nico van de Merbel, ICON and Philip Timmerman, EBF 
The conference is organised as a non-profit event by the EBF vzw.
The organisation of the conference is independent from all EBF member companies and conference sponsors.
blok center
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